UAE lifts all COVID-19 related restrictions

Authorities in the UAE have further eased COVID-19 restrictions as of Nov. 7. The wearing of facemasks is now optional in most public spaces, including on public transport and in places of worship. However, facemasks remain required inside medical facilities.

The green pass protocol on the country’s Al Hosn contact-tracing application is no longer required to access public facilities. The application’s use is now limited to providing proof of vaccination and test results inside and outside the country.

Persons who contract COVID-19 are still required to isolate for five days.

International Travel Restrictions

Entry regulations can vary significantly based on several factors, including the traveler’s vaccination status and the emirate via which the individual is entering the UAE.

The UAE has resumed issuing tourist visas to individuals who are fully vaccinated with one of the WHO-approved vaccines.

Authorities could reimpose, extend, further ease, or otherwise amend any restrictions with little-to-no notice depending on disease activity over the coming weeks.

Persons intending to travel to or within the UAE are advised to review current COVID-19-related restrictions regularly, particularly before departure. Follow all official instructions. Consider delaying traveling if experiencing symptoms associated with COVID-19, as they may prompt increased scrutiny and delays. Ensure contingency plans account for further disruptive measures or extensions of current restrictions.


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