Flight anxiety, or fear of flying, is a phobia that plagues millions of travelers. This can be a result of certain traumatic experiences from the past, but it can also stem from other issues such as claustrophobia or a general feeling of anxiety. Fortunately, there have been many methods developed over the years to help those who suffer from flight anxiety overcome their fears and enjoy their flight.
There are steps you can take to overcome your fear of flying. You will improve your overall self-confidence, and in turn decrease your anxiety. Your life will be much easier and more enjoyable when you overcome this common phobia. Some people feel a heightened sense of anxiety and nervousness before, during, or after a flight (or any form of travel), which can be severe enough to reach the level of a disorder. Know what can you do for flight anxiety.
What Are The Tips To Overcome Flight Anxiety
- Anti-Anxiety Activities: Flight stress is common among flyers but there are techniques to reduce it like Yoga, Meditation or just getting relaxed music. Taking care of your health and stay happy is the ultimate way to avoid anxiety.
- Be Calm with Turbulence: Going on a flight sometimes makes people feel uncomfortable. However, the major cause of turbulence is not the airplane itself, but the weather near the flight route. You feel turbulence because of air pressure coming from wind and air current. The pilot is controlling the plane flight to avoid turbulence. Keep yourself calm to avoid stress due to turbulence.
- Tell the Flight Attendant: If you’re prone to panic attacks or just have a real phobia of flying, you’ll be well served by telling an airline representative and your travel companions about it when you check in. It may not make the flight itself any less stressful, but at least people will know what’s going on if anxiety creeps up on you. Let them help keep you calm through the process.
- Know About the Destination: There may be a lot to accomplish on your journey, but knowing where you’re headed, and envisioning your future along the way, can help keep you motivated and stress-free until you arrive.
- Be Calm and Know About the Plane: The best way to feel calm is by following the instructions of your flight attendant. While we cannot control turbulence, we can control our reaction to the turbulence. If you find yourself feeling anxious during flight, follow one of these tips above and enjoy a stress-free flight!
Until you overcome your fear of flying, each time you survey the cramped cabin and fold-out seat with a little trepidation, flight anxiety will affect the way you travel. But there are many ways to tackle your anxiety, without drugs or hypnotherapy. If you want to take your anxiety medications with you when you fly and don’t want to go through the hassle of checking a bag and waiting in line at security, there are two options: either put the medication in your carry-on bag or have it in your pocket where a TSA agent can easily see it. This course of action is probably easiest if you wear something over your pocket that can hide your hand reaching into it (a sweater works well).